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发表于 2013-1-9 20:00:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                        Krypt网路数据中心独特地坐落在全国各大城市的科技核心地带,继建成圣安娜数据中心, 洛杉矶数据中心, 萨阔拉门托数据中心,圣何塞数据中心之后, Krypt公司现再次扩张全新建成LAX10数据中心,紧邻著名的洛杉矶国际机场,交通便利,环境优美。LAX10数据中心坐落在Digital Reality Trust集团提供设施的大楼里,占地面积135,000平方英尺(12,500平方米),为服务器和机柜提供了充分的存放空间和特配的电量冗余系统。

                        大楼:135600平方英尺(80000 可用面积 )



                        地面建材:高24英尺,2英寸X 2英寸规格地砖

                        空调系统:5台670吨的冷水机, 每个机房安装7台30吨机房空调系统,5台制冷器,5条冷水汞;3台冷水机,保证每个房间有N+2 冗余。


                        电量:备用发电机组,冗余连接两台100%满电的备用发电机,2桶25,000 加仑柴油实时备用;6台CPS备用发电机轮流负担冗余N+1容量, 每个机房拥有800安培冗余-48伏特直流电池系统,每平方英尺150瓦电量。


                        Kryp新机房所使用的是VPLS集团的网络, 拥有多条光纤路径连接洛杉矶市中心的LAX1-9机房。同时我们还可以直连控制时代华纳,Internap等著名公司的光纤线路。



                新的LAX10机房曾经是MySpace.com所在地,拥有超过8000平方英尺的独立空间以及4兆瓦电力供应。VPLS公司新投入在每个分布层的Brocade Ethernet Fabric技术。所有接入交换机升级后,性能得到了很大的提升。新的LAX10数据中心独有的DDOS缓冲技术,支持我们先进的防火墙,使您的服务器在正常使用的情况下防御多达2Gbps的攻击。







Krypt Internet Data Centers (IDC) are uniquely situated in the heart of technology centers around the country with locations in Santa Ana, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Jose, Ashburn, and now El Segundo, just a few miles away from the Los Angeles International Airport. The facility which is owned by Digital Reality Trust has some impressive stats with over 135,000 sq feet (12,500 sq meters) and unique rotary continuous power systems.
Building Area: 135,600 square feet (80,000 usable sq ft floor plate area)
Access: Keycard/biometric scanner/24x7 Security Staff
Telecom Type/Capacity: Copper/Fiber
Flooring: 24" raised, 2'x 2' floor plates
HVAC: 5 chillers at 670 Tons each; Seven(7) 30-ton CRAC units per data room; 5 cooling towers; 5 chilled water pumps; 3 chillers, giving N+2 redundancy
Fire Suppression: Dry pipe, pre-action system VESDA and/or early smoke detectors
Power: EPS/UPS or emergency generator; 100% connected load on 5 Hitches and 2 standby generators. Two 25,000 gallon diesel storage tanks on site; six (6) HiTech CPS continuous and conditioned power generation rotary UPS systems to an N+1 capacity; each room has 800 AMP redundant -48 volt DC battery system. 150 Watts per square foot
The new LAX10 Data Center just like all of the other  Krypt IDC's are maintained by specialized facility providers. They all have numerous diverse path fiber links, dedicated generators, power feeds, and battery UPS backup and are managed by experienced staff and built with industry leading equipment. As with all Krypt facilities this location is staffed 24x7.
Krypt running on top of VPLS' network has numerous diverse fiber paths back to our LAX1-9 facilities in downtown Los Angeles. We also have direct access out of the facility  through providers like Time Warner and Internap.
What makes this new Data Center different?
Over 8,000 sq feet in a single pod with 4MW (mega watts) of power per suite which was once owned and operated by MySpace.com. VPLS has invested in new Brocade Ethernet fabric technology at the distribution layer for seamless connectivity with multiple redundant 10Gbps LAG groups feeding all access switches. All access switches have been upgraded for faster performance. Unique to only our LAX10 facility includes new DDOS mitigation technology for advanced firewall customers. We're now able to allow customers to sustain a 2Gbps attack without interruption in service for common attack signatures.
Redundantly fed cabinets from multiple power distribution switches with built in transfer switches connected to rotary UPS. Each cabinet has an astounding capacity for over 32kW! Typical cabinets only require 10kW. All servers in LAX10 are on remote reboot ports!! This means you can reboot your own servers through https://my.krypt.com !!
Secure badge and biometric scanners throughout the facility to ensure secure access to the 80,000 sq ft of data center space.

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