



KT服务器促销中 100M带宽 10T流量 超值传送门:会员注册及发帖规则 发帖看过来
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发表于 2012-10-18 13:05:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear Resellers -

Krypt is raising the bandwidth bar to new heights with 10TB of transfer which will be standard for all service plans. This is a HUGE upgrade from the 3TB of transfer we announced a few months ago.

With the changes to the base bandwidth plan there are also changes that will affect all KPP Resellers which include the following:

1. All 5Mbps and 10Mbps dedicated bandwidth upgrades will no longer be offered after October 31st, 2012.

2. All reseller free bandwidth upgrades for Gold and Platinum status resellers will be removed on October 31st, 2012

3. Bandwidth overage / upgrades now have a standard price of $20 per 1TB.

4. Dedicated Bandwidth upgrades are now:

25Mbps - $75 per month
50Mbps - $150 per month
100Mbps - $300 per month

5. We will only handle ingress traffic rerouting for China Telecom / Unicom requests for non DDOS traffic and at the discretion of our network engineering team. Proper traceroutes and MTR must be submitted for any reroute requests.

All existing service plans which currently have 1.5TB of transfer included can be upgraded by emailing billing@krypt.com free of charge. For $20 one time fee your customer which currently has 3TB - 5TB transfer can be upgraded to 10TB.




1. 所有5Mbps和10Mbps 独享不限流量带宽即将于2012年10月31日取消。
2. 所有黄金以及白金经销商的带宽流量优惠将于2012年10月31日取消。
3. 所有带宽超流量费用或者升级带宽费用为每1TB$20美金
4. 独享不限流量带宽价格如下:
a) 25Mbps -每月$75
b) 50Mbps -每月$150
c) 100Mbps -每月$300

5. 我们的网路部门将不再处理直连中国电信以及联通有关ddos攻击的调整线路要求,所有有关线路调整的要求将取决于网路工程师的判断。所有线路调整必须提交相关的路由追踪以及MTR.

所有在运行的服务器还是1.5TB流量的获得免费升级至10TB,请邮件billing@krypt.com 做申请。 所有现有3TB至5TB流量的服务器,只需付$20美金一次性的费用即可.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-18 19:02:34 | 显示全部楼层
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