淘主机 发表于 2009-7-29 19:20:41

限制Linux Apache日志文件大小的方法

access.log,这个文件在WEB 服务器运行一段时间之后会达到几十兆甚至上百兆,访问量达的有可能会达到上G。



可以用apache 自己的程序 rotatelogs.exe (位于 {$apache}/bin/目录下),来限制日志文件的大小。

Usage: rotatelogs [-l] <logfile> <rotation time in seconds> or <rotation size in megabytes>

Add this:

TransferLog "|rotatelogs /some/where 86400"


TransferLog "|rotatelogs /some/where 5M"

to httpd.conf. The generated name will be /some/where.nnnn where nnnn is the system time at which the log nominally starts (N.B. if using a rotation time, the time will always be a multiple of the rotation time, so you can synchronizecron scripts with it). At the end of each rotation time or when the file size is reached a new log is started.

在 Windows 下的设置例子如下:

# 限制错误日志文件为 1M
ErrorLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l logs/error-%Y-%m-%d.log 1M"

# 每天生成一个错误日志文件
#ErrorLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l logs/error-%Y-%m-%d.log 86400"

# 限制访问日志文件为 1M
CustomLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l logs/access-%Y-%m-%d.log 1M" common

# 每天生成一个访问日志文件
#CustomLog "|bin/rotatelogs.exe -l logs/access-%Y-%m-%d.log 86400" common
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