淘主机 发表于 2012-10-24 15:04:05

SK芝加哥机房升级带宽了 增加10G到CogentCo

Hello ;

We are very excited to announce that we will be adding CogentCo. to our network. A link of 10GE will be added to our Chicago network within the next couple of weeks. Cogentco. is one of the oldest upstream providers, Cogentco. has recently completed major upgrades to their network infrastructure adding more direct peering partners in Eastern Asian.

We will be adding Cogentco. to our list of upstream providers in Chicago for a trial period of 30 days. This period will assist us evaluate their service and their peering before taking a final decision about adding them to our network. If a final decision is made to keep them on our network we will also be adding them to our Denver facility.

After adding CogentCo. to our network we will be peering with four major providers: Comcast Communications, Tinet, Atrato, and Cogentco.

Thank you,


我们很高兴的告诉您,接下来的几周内,我们将添加10GE的链接到芝加哥机房。 CogentCo是最悠久的上游供应商之一,最近已经完成了他们网络构架的升级,添加了更多直接的东亚的合作点!


引入Cogentco以后,我们的网络带宽供应商将包含四大主流供应商: Comcast Communications, Tinet, Atrato, and Cogentco. !

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